A Practice through Digital technology

Because of its scientific, technical and military origins, the image which is created by a computer can be very precisely controlled.  The total control and the resultant pressure from various kinds of steretyping have meant that digital photos have had some difficulty in gainging acceptance in the art word.  However, in terms of visual arts, digital technologies have added an extra dimension to the composite and collage.  Disparate elements can be blended with the focus being on a new simulated form of reality.  The new artificial image has been born and is continuously trying to free itself from technical constraints and become contextualized in an environment.

The digital image is based on the binary system which is directly connected to the logic of the database. It also breaks with the traditional analogue image which is based on recording data.  With the analogue procedure, the viewer becomes accustomed to considering the natural world as a reservoir of images to be captured and recorded while  with the digital procedure the viewer becomes accustomed to a pre-calculated image that can be controlled right down to the infinitely small detail of its textures.  Moreover, the digital image can exist without a model so, it can "take" nature and view reality in a more refined way because of its own dynamic digital character.  However, the refined possibilities of manipulating images can lead to "dematerialization" of the obvious naturalistic aspects of representation or at least, can lead to a redefinition of the relationship between the viewer and nature and consequently its representation.


" Nature, dematerialization", digital drawing on photograph, 70X110cm.